Fresh Book Deals June 10, 2020

Fresh Book Deals June 10, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s been a crazy eventful afternoon while I prepared this newsletter to go out. I live in tornado alley and we were in line for some pretty strong storms today. All while working on this, the alert radio has gone off at...
Fresh Book Deals June 3, 2020

Fresh Book Deals June 3, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Can you believe it’s Wednesday again? It doesn’t seem like it’s been a week, but boy, has a lot happened in that week. My heart hurts from everything happening in the world, especially here at home in the...
Fresh Book Deals May 20, 2020

Fresh Book Deals May 20, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I don’t know about the rest of you, some days I lose track of what day of the week it is. Last week it didn’t matter that I had sent out this email, had a weekly Wednesday meeting, and was scheduling my day for...
Fresh Book Deals May 6, 2020

Fresh Book Deals May 6, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Did you know May 1 marked the 30th anniversary of the original publication of Good Omens? I’m currently reading the book after having binge-watched the series last year the day it released. (Yes, I’m behind, my...