Fresh Book Deals for November 18, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for November 18, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! The holidays are FAST approaching. It seems like I blinked and we’re almost to Thanksgiving. I still haven’t ordered the meal for that day yet. Ooops. I should probably get to that, right? Yeah…I’m great...
Fresh Book Deals for November 11, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for November 11, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope you made it through last week with your sanity intact. Talk about a nail biter week. At least it’s over now. On to bigger and better things! Like books! I’m all about books, if you haven’t figured that...
Fresh Book Deals for November 4, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for November 4, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m trying to hide away from the real world drama until everything is finally said and done and just keep my head in a book… or two… or ten. Look, I need fantasy...
Fresh Book Deals for October 28, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for October 28, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope you really like free and discounted books because we have a plethora of free books and 3 99 cent books/boxsets this week. We’re all about treats this week and what better treat is there than great books to read for...