by Grace | Feb 10, 2021 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! What is the weather like where you are at? I know I’m talking about the snow here a lot because let’s be honest, there’s a lot of it out there. I got another 7 inches or so this weekend and I haven’t...
by Grace | Jan 20, 2021 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! How many of you like to re-read books? I’m one of those people. Just like I like to rewatch movie or TV shows I enjoyed a lot. I find that often time rereading I discover something I missed the first, second or even third...
by Grace | Jan 6, 2021 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful end to 2020 and your 2021 has started off nice and quiet. I know mine has been quiet but busy, but I’ll take it. I hate to admit this, but I have done zero reading so far in the...
by Grace | Dec 30, 2020 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s finally here! It’s the last Wednesday in 2020. You won’t hear from me again until the new year is underway. But don’t worry, there’s plenty of books to choose from to tide you over until then....
by Grace | Dec 2, 2020 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My meal was wonderful and lasted me a few days so that made me happy. (The dessert somehow didn’t make it as long as everything else did. I don’t know why.) I hope you...
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