by Grace | Dec 9, 2020 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Did you know we’re almost two weeks until Christmas? I don’t even have my mini-tree up yet! I should probably get to that. Just been a little too busy the last week to get around to it. And the last nice day of...
by Grace | Dec 2, 2020 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My meal was wonderful and lasted me a few days so that made me happy. (The dessert somehow didn’t make it as long as everything else did. I don’t know why.) I hope you...
by Grace | Nov 18, 2020 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! The holidays are FAST approaching. It seems like I blinked and we’re almost to Thanksgiving. I still haven’t ordered the meal for that day yet. Ooops. I should probably get to that, right? Yeah…I’m great...
by Grace | Nov 11, 2020 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope you made it through last week with your sanity intact. Talk about a nail biter week. At least it’s over now. On to bigger and better things! Like books! I’m all about books, if you haven’t figured that...
by Grace | Oct 28, 2020 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope you really like free and discounted books because we have a plethora of free books and 3 99 cent books/boxsets this week. We’re all about treats this week and what better treat is there than great books to read for...
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