Fresh Book Deals for February 18, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for February 18, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope this newsletter finds you nice and warm. I know a lot of the United States, including myself, have been caught in a bitter cold and unusually snowy week. And while temperatures are slowly improving, power outages are...
Fresh Book Deals for February 10, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for February 10, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! What is the weather like where you are at? I know I’m talking about the snow here a lot because let’s be honest, there’s a lot of it out there. I got another 7 inches or so this weekend and I haven’t...
Fresh Book Deals for January 27, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for January 27, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Can you believe it’s the last Wednesday of the first month of 2021? This month has just sped past for me – mostly. Yesterday it definitely was a lot slower, but that’s because 14.5 inches of snow came down...
Fresh Book Deals for January 20, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for January 20, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! How many of you like to re-read books? I’m one of those people. Just like I like to rewatch movie or TV shows I enjoyed a lot. I find that often time rereading I discover something I missed the first, second or even third...
Fresh Book Deals for January 13, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for January 13, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope this week has been less exciting for you than for me. I live in what’s normally a very quiet neighborhood. Last Wednesday, there was a 7-hour-long standoff 9 houses down the street from me. It took me a while to...