Fresh Book Deals for July 7, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for July 7, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Did you have a fun and exciting Fourth of July? Did you get any reading done? I got some reading, but not as much as I was hoping for. Dealing with technological issues is never fun.Summer is in full swing where I’m at....
Fresh Book Deals for June 16, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for June 16, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It feels like just a couple of weeks ago, I was whining about the snow and cold. I TAKE IT back. It’s roasting this week. It’s going to be 100 today, 105 tomorrow and we don’t normally get this hot this early...
Fresh Book Deals for June 9, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for June 9, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s definitely starting to heat up out there. At least where I am. Upper 90s all week and dry as can be. Not necessarily a bad thing. My garden never got planted so at least I don’t have to water it every day like...
Fresh Book Deals for June 2, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for June 2, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Did you enjoy the long weekend? I wish I could say I did, but I had a lot of things I wanted to get done and didn’t quite get them all done. (Let’s be honest, quite is the wrong word. I didn’t get a lot done,...
Fresh Book Deals for May 26, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for May 26, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Can you believe it’s the end of the month and we’re heading into a three-day weekend (well for those enough lucky to enjoy those)? I seemed to have misplaced this past weekend – too much to do, not enough time...