March into new deals this week!

March into new deals this week!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s March 1. Can you believe it? That means I’m now counting down to my next out-of-country trip for work, which is to Paris, at the end of April. This time I’m not spending a lot of time there – I have...
More deals on books than you can shake a stick at!

More deals on books than you can shake a stick at!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Well, this week another snowstorm is heading its way across the United States starting today. Most of it is supposed to miss me according to the current forecast, but we’ll see. Last week I mentioned we’d be getting...
Ebook deals you won’t want to miss

Ebook deals you won’t want to miss

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Last week, I mentioned we were supposed to get a significant amount of snow on Wednesday. Well, as fate would have it, it was one degree too warm for snow, but that didn’t stop us from getting a nice layer of ice on...
Snow day? Check out these reads!

Snow day? Check out these reads!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Over the course of the last ten days, I asked friends to help me with my 12 books to read in 12 months challenge. I got all the books I needed (and then some) and I thought I’d share the list with you today: Born of Water...
Hot, new deals await you this Wednesday

Hot, new deals await you this Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! The second week of the New Year is giving me a little breathing room, but not a whole lot. I’ve got a lot on my plate, including some reading and writing, but a lot of projects I’m attempting to get ahead on before...