Fresh Book Deals for April 7, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for April 7, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! You know you’re getting old when you need multiple pairs of glasses to see properly. Well… Maybe not old, but stubbornness resulted in this at a younger age than most people. A couple weeks back, I finally had to...
Fresh Book Deals for March 31, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for March 31, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s the end of another month! Can you believe it that March is already over and April is about to begin? Last year it seemed like it took forever for the first half of the year to get past us, this year it’s just...
Fresh Book Deals for January 13, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for January 13, 2021

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I hope this week has been less exciting for you than for me. I live in what’s normally a very quiet neighborhood. Last Wednesday, there was a 7-hour-long standoff 9 houses down the street from me. It took me a while to...
Fresh Book Deals for December 30, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for December 30, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s finally here! It’s the last Wednesday in 2020. You won’t hear from me again until the new year is underway. But don’t worry, there’s plenty of books to choose from to tide you over until then....
Fresh Book Deals for April 7, 2021

Fresh Book Deals for December 9, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Did you know we’re almost two weeks until Christmas? I don’t even have my mini-tree up yet! I should probably get to that. Just been a little too busy the last week to get around to it. And the last nice day of...