Fresh Book Deals for October 21, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for October 21, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Halloween is getting closer! I’m actively counting down the days, even if I’m just staying inside for the event. I am decorating, though my plans to maybe put things outside changed when they started predicting snow...
Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 19, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 19, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s been another crazy week for me! If I didn’t have it down in my planner to do this email I might have forgotten it. I have a plethora of zucchini I’ve been working with and today I researched the best...
Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 12, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 12, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I’ve been a little busy the last week. One of my side projects outside my house is nearing completion. It’s been a lot of work, but when it’s done, it will be a lot less work maintaining my backyard in future...
Fresh Book Deals for October 21, 2020

Fresh Book Deals June 24, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Contests, contests and more contests. Let’s be honest, we could all do with a little more cash in our products to spend on something fun – or in my case something fun that isn’t house repairs. There’s a...
Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 19, 2020

Fresh Book Deals June 17, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Do you ever know it’s just going to be one of those weeks? For me, at least, it’s one of THOSE weeks. I would like to say that I am handling it with an abundance of grace, determination and go-get-it attitude, I at...