Fresh Book Deals for September 2, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for September 2, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I’m not sure what the weather is like where you are at, but yesterday it was a nice fall day. Way to kick off September with temperatures in the upper 70s! And it looks like, except for one day this week, it’s going...
Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 26, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 26, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! There are quite a few free books we are bringing your way this week! As a reminder, most free books are free for a limited time. Some of them we know how long they’re free for as the authors have told us, others we...
Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 12, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for Aug. 12, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I’ve been a little busy the last week. One of my side projects outside my house is nearing completion. It’s been a lot of work, but when it’s done, it will be a lot less work maintaining my backyard in future...
Fresh Book Deals for July 29, 2020

Fresh Book Deals for July 29, 2020

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! And it’s officially almost the end of the month! And the next month starts on Saturday! Can you believe it? We’re going into the eighth month of the year, but it feels like it should already be November. Wait. What...