Seven different reading adventures await you this week

Seven different reading adventures await you this week

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! By the time you all get this email, I’ll be on a plane over the Atlantic Ocean, well on my way to London. In fact, I decided to be smart and schedule this email way ahead of time on Monday night before I finished packing...
It’s time for your weekly book haul…

It’s time for your weekly book haul…

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! After a very unusual spring, summer is most definitely here. We hit 104 on Monday and now I am glad I head to London next week. The temperatures will be nicer there than here. At least I won’t be melting there. Yesterday...
Hit the reading jackpot with these books!

Hit the reading jackpot with these books!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Fourteen days until I head to London! I was excited before, but each day I get a little more excited (and anxious) to head out. I’ve got tickets to see a play at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater that I am really looking...
Check out these new books for summer!

Check out these new books for summer!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Can you believe it’s June 1 already? One more month and the year will be halfway through. It seems hard to believe we’ve already made it through five months of the year. It’s just speeding past, unlike the...
New week, new books for you to enjoy

New week, new books for you to enjoy

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Every week, it feels like only a few days have passed since the last Wednesday, not a full week. I’m pretty sure it has everything to do with my to-do lists getting longer despite knocking items off of it. Seems like for...