Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts!

Free books, boxed sets, and more! We have a lot of great deals for you today and featured free books every day the rest of the week. If you missed yesterday’s email, or lost the link, don’t forget the 6 days of FREE BOOKS. You can pick all of those up today if you want, we just feature a different one each day!

After an extremely warm week, we had a lovely weekend here where I live, but another hot week is here. I know it will be a few weeks before fall temperatures really set it. A part of me looks forward to it and the rest of me dreads it because it means winter is on the way.

Do you have any Halloween plans? Do you decorate for the whole month of October, or wait until closer to Halloween? I’m pondering decorating this year, assuming I have the time and energy to do it before the weather changes. Wish me luck!​

Check out all the great books we have featured this week! Be sure to leave a review for the ones you read! The authors really appreciate it!​​​

Enjoy and happy reading!

This Week’s Special Deals

Roll For Initiative

Game night will never be the same again for Terry, Jewel, Mandy, and Morgan.

The role-playing gamers thought they were getting together for a gaming session. Now they’ve been summoned into another reality.

One that looks and feels an awful lot like the games they’re used to playing.

But this is no game, and the Power that brought them here has plunged the players into a life or death battle. They must defeat their enemies and escape the dungeon, or die trying.

When the game becomes all too real, it’s time to roll the dice and play for keeps.

Can they forge a strong enough team to win through the challenges to come? Or will the Tomb of Malevolent Evil destroy them and doom this new world to darkness?

Soul Bottles

Someone has been gathering up the scattered pieces of an ancient tome of magic. If the Codex is assembled, it will unleash the power to summon daemons.

Professor Derrick Watson, expert in daemonic languages, would prefer to remain secure in his ivory tower at a Philadelphia university.

Except, his most talented former students are being set up, and innocent people are dying as a result.

Can Watson track down the pieces of the Codex before more people fall victim to its power? Should he even try?

Watson finds that he has no choice. He is overly protective of his students and he’s the best person for the job. Which sucks for him. He’d rather continue with his pedantic research and play chess with his necromancer best friend.

But even in a world where magic exists, we seldom get what we want.

Watson is forced to navigate a maze of elementals, undead, and rival mages. Can he protect his friends and his community? Or will the other powers at play outwit the professor?

River Runs Red

River Runs Red blends unforgettable characters with horror on a truly epic scale.

The growl came again, at the same time that his dad crawled out from under the leaning rock. The man pawed at the ground, his fingers cutting deep furrows in the hard-packed earth there. When he shook his head, foam and spittle flew in every direction. He stared at them with one eye—the other had been brutalized, liquefied somehow, a hellish soup of blood and eye goop and sweat mixing on what remained of his cheek—and although Wade could tell it was his father, he looked more like a wild thing, a monster, than anything human. The clothing that had been perfectly fine an hour ago had turned into rags and ribbons, barely concealing his skin.

And he was strong. He had not only moved the big leaning rock, but his fists closed around smaller stones and pulverized them. He crept toward them on all fours, as if he had forgotten how to walk upright.

Finally, for the first time, he spoke words that Wade could understand. “Wade,” he said. “Help…”

As teenagers, Molly, Byrd, and Wade faced inconceivable evil in an underground labyrinth on the banks of the Rio Grande.

Reunited as adults, they discover that their terrifying experience was only the beginning.

Their paths wend through raging rivers, mysterious murders, long-buried gods, and secrets worth dying—or killing—for, on the way to a final, mystical battle, with the fate of worlds hanging in the balance.

Sky Warrior

Living alien mechs are coming for Kevin, but he has no idea why.

He’s a teenager living in a foster home, focused on the latest games, avoiding bullies, and surviving the labyrinth that is adolescence. That is, until strangers show up with an urgent warning – alien assassins want him dead!

Kevin can’t believe it until he’s nearly blasted to pieces by a giant, alien mech. He narrowly escapes and finds himself taken to a secret base under Mount Fuji in Japan.

Now he’s given the chance to pilot Space Ninja Mech Warriors – aka A Sky Warrior.

Will Kevin be able to save Earth, and especially himself, from impending doom?

Sky Warrior is a coming-of-age story that teaches about life, loss, love and fighting for a worthy cause. If you like Cobra Kai, Harry Potter or Gundam, you will love this action sci-fi space saga for young adults.

Marines: From Now to the Far Future

Colonel Jonathan Brazee, USMC (Ret), is a USA Today bestselling writer with 75+ published works. Authors should write what they know, and the colonel knows Marines. From Iraq in 2006 to centuries in the future, these are the first books in six series that cover what it means to be a combat Marine. Being a Marine is more than a time or place; it is a way of life.

1. The Few
Gunny Jacob McCardle is the commander of the Marine Detachment at the US Embassy, New Delhi, and when the president of the US arrives, the embassy is attacked by a mob of nationalists. With the Indian government seemingly unwilling to take action and with an ambitious vice-president seizing this as an opportunity to move up to the White House, it is up to Gunny McCardle and his small band of Marines to keep the president alive. Faced with tremendous odds, Gunny has to lead his Marines in an almost impossible task.

2. Prisoner of Fallujah
Cpl Nicholas Xenakis was born to be a Marine, but when his wife gave him the “me or the Corps” ultimatum, he joined the local reserve battery for one last pump. Although no longer a grunt, Nick figured at least he was back in the fight. But when his convoy was hit in Fallujah, Nick faced the most life-threatening situation a Marine in Iraq could face, and he would have to face it alone.

3. Semper Lycanus
PFC Aiden Kaas has enlisted in the Corps for all the wrong reasons. Now deployed to Iraq, he just wants to put in his time and serve out his enlistment. However, after being bitten by a seemingly rabid mujahideen, he starts suffering from a strange illness, one with consequences beyond his wildest imaginings. As the disease ravages his body and exposes him to dangers far darker than active combat, Aiden must come to grips with what it is he has become.

4. Recruit
Centuries from now, Ryck Lysander enlists in the United Federation Marine Corps, hoping to make a better future for himself. From bootcamp brawls to skirmishes with galactic pirates, Ryck’s new life presents him with unimaginable adventures and forces him to prove his mettle as he forges his new identity and fights to earn his place as one of the Brotherhood of Marines.

United Federation Marine Lance Corporal Tamara Veal catches the attention of recruiters who nominate her to serve as a Single Combat Specialist to fight the alien Klethos. Called Gladiators, they are genetically modified human champions who meet Klethos d’relle in combat. Win, and the planet remains human; lose, and not only do they lose their lives, but the world as well. With the Klethos much more advanced and militarily powerful, able to defeat humanity in an all-out war, the challenge ring is the only way to retain at least some of the worlds of man.

LCPL Veal, who has found a home in the Corps, has to decide whether to accept the nomination. She would have to leave her fellow Marines and undergo extreme genetic modification that will leave her almost unrecognizable from the woman she was before. Becoming a gladiator will enable her to serve humanity to a far greater extent than anything else she could do, but at a tremendous personal cost.

6. Legacy Marines
Esther and Noah are the twin children of General Ryck Lysander, Commandant of the Marine Corps, leader of the Evolution and Chairman of the Federation. Told that their parents have been assassinated, both are devastated. Cut adrift, they each decide to enlist in the Corps—but for different reasons. Esther feels it is her duty to carry on the family legacy, confident that she can excel and reach the top. Noah simply wants to earn his father’s pride, even if it is too late.
As children of General Lysander, they are not “normal” recruits. Seniors and peers are well aware of their background, and the twins can’t escape the public eye. From under their father’s heavy shadow, the two must discover their personal path in the Corps, even when that seems to pull them apart from each other.

One Helluva Bad Time: The Complete Bad Time Series


By award winning author Chuck Dixon, (Yes, the same Chuck Dixon who co-created the character Bane.)

You don’t punch a cocktail waitress around Dwayne Roenbach, not even if you are his wealthy mogul boss.

Unfortunately, said boss got him blacklisted for actions that Dwayne knew were entirely appropriate of a retired US Army Ranger.

Now, a phone call from a mysterious benefactor wants Dwayne to pull together a team to help rescue scientists who are lost.

With the kind of money he’s being offered he only asks a couple of questions to make sure the job is legit.

Perhaps he should have asked a few more.

This Epic Adventure spans multiple time periods, gun battles with creatures and people all over the world as well as up and down history as they battle to do what is right.

No matter if Hell is there to greet them in the end.

Bad times or not, these Rangers have no ‘quit’ in them. Everyone and everything needs to get the hell out of their way.

They have mission(s) to complete.

Go up and click ‘Read For Free’ or ‘Buy Now’ and dig into an adventure that will have you hearing the sounds of the past, while smelling the gun powder as the team fights across the world,and time.


“Chuck is a damn good writer who is really good at hooking you, giving you fun characters, and

telling you one hell of an adventure story.”

Larry Correia, Monster Hunters International, the Grimoir Chronicles


“An intelligent and well thought-out high action time travel story.”

Noah Mullette-Gillman, Luminous and Ominous


“Dixon excels at putting down action, of introducing larger-than-life heroes, kicking them through the

door into a big mess, and having them sort out a situation in a flurry of martial arts moves and big


Mel Odom, The Rover series.

Federal Agents of Magic Boxed Set

Get your copy of the ENTIRE Federal Agents of Magic series for one low price all in one GIANT boxed set!

Discover why reviewers say they LOVED this series and were all anxious for the next book to come out!

FBI Agent Diana Sheen is an agent with a secret…

…she carries a badge and a troll, along with a little magic.

But her Most Wanted List is going to take a little extra effort.

She’ll have to embrace her powers and up her game to take down new threats,

Not to mention deal with the troll that’s adopted her.

All signs point to a serious threat lurking just beyond sight, pulling the strings to put the forces of good in harm’s way.

Magic or mundane, you break the law, and Diana’s gonna find you, tag you and bring you in. Watch out magical baddies, this agent can level the playing field.

It’s all in a day’s work for the newest Federal Agent of Magic.

This full boxed set includes the following books:

  1. Magic Ops
  2. Agents of Magic
  3. Counter Ops
  4. Agents of Chaos
  5. Covert Ops
  6. Agents of Order
  7. Arcane Ops
  8. Agents of Vengeance

For a thrilling action-adventure with spells, guns, hand to hand combat, and just the right amount of snark, join the team today!

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