Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts!

It’s Groundhog’s Day! No, this day isn’t going to repeat itself over and over again (at least I hope not), but the poor groundhog will be pulled out of a nice warm spot and put out to see if it sees its shadow or not. I HOPE no more winter and spring on time, but I guess we’ll see. We’ve had hardly any snow this year and desperately need some, but I’m okay without it for a bit longer.

Thanks to everyone who answered my question last week! It was great to see all the answers.

This week, I want to know, what was the first book you read that got you hooked on sci-fi or fantasy!

Check out this week’s below! There are some great boxed sets, books and even free books for you to enjoy!​​​​​

Enjoy and happy reading!

This Week’s Special Deals

The Outcast Royal Complete Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

A fell-handed warrior treads a bloody road across the sea from the bloody adventures of Skharr DeathEater

Can Ax-Wed truly leave her people’s crumbling decadence behind her? Or will it haunt her as she wanders a savage world, determined to carve her future one ax stroke at a time?

Find out! Pick up this 3-book complete series boxed set to join Ax-Wed on her adventures!

Circle In The Deep:

When she is kidnapped by sinister forces and trapped in the horrors in the deepest dungeons, will she fall or dig deep to overcome the nightmares incarnate?

Darkness is patient and evil is cunning, and it is hungry for the sorcerous power bequeathed to her by her family.

Her allies face intrigue and treachery in the world above and the city teeters on the brink of destruction. Can she reach the cruel heart of the darkness and destroy it in time to save them?

Mere mortals vie with cunning foes and ancient terrors for the chance to see another day in a world both brutal and beautiful.

Is Ax-Wed enough to turn the tide or will she fall to the black maw of primeval power?

Voice on the Wind:

After Axe-Wed’s adventures in Jehadim the intrepid exile had hoped that she’d found a chance for some easy coin among good people. A little guarding of a caravan as they go to barbarian infested steppes, what could be easier… well, perhaps she hadn’t thought that one through.

So now our slayer finds herself in a land where monsters are pets and tribal warfare is life, and wouldn’t you know it there is a prophecy… why is there always a prophecy?

Dive into the second chronicle of The Outcast Royal and embrace the ashen road, weapon in hand, as it winds through a primeval land where bone-crushing, man-eating beasts from the dawn of time may be the least of your problems…

Doom Under the Shadow:

Ax-Wed has fought the curse of her people tooth and nail, but it has finally caught up with her.

Is her time finally running out or is there any hope that she can escape the insidious sorcery that threatens to devour her from within?

And if her failure to outrun the dark past brings her to a sure and certain end, how can she make it such that those she loves will be safe and the wicked world will never forget her passing?

Her path brings her to an ancient mountain city with monsters without, monsters within, and monsters beneath. Faced by enormous odds, Ax-Wed’s fell hand will wield her grinning weapon with a resoluteness born of necessity.

But evil is unleashed when eldritch schemes wrought and brewed decades before finally bear their terrible fruit. With her enemy both without and within, can she hope to stand, even when falling means death or worse for those in her care?

In this dark time, allies unlooked for are as strange and terrible as any enemy she might face and it seems her only chance is to throw herself once more into the breach. But what if bloody hands put to bloody work is not enough?

As shadows of an malevolent past stretch longer and deeper than ever before, Ax-Wed will come to face to face with who she is, where she has been, and what she most desperately needs.

Sword Diplomacy

What is the difference between ignorance and stupidity?

Ignorance can be solved if you live long enough.

Zaena has been sent as an Elven emissary to learn and build a relationship with humanity. She’s only two hundred and fifty years old, so time should be on her side.

Except she gets involved in a brutal gang war in the first month of landing on the shores of the West Coast of the United States.

San Francisco, to be exact.

Zaena quickly learns that her knowledge of humanity is closer to the twentieth than the present day twenty-first century.

So much for her teachers’ study of humanity’s television shows.

She’s got attitude, magic, and a sacred armor pendant. What she doesn’t have is a clue.

She will survive her ignorance or die trying to build a bridge and save her people.

A Gambler’s Heart


Is Love Worth the Gamble?

Fiona is tired of the London society, where status and looks are the most important traits a man is looking for in a woman. Wanting a chance at a new life, away from the pitying stares and loneliness of her life in England, she answers an ad as a mail-order bride in America.

Brooks is a gambling man, who wants revenge against his father’s killer. His plans are complicated when Fiona lands in his lap after a winning hand.

He does not have time to be looking after a woman, especially one who should have known better than to come to a strange country on her own. But, somehow, she has become his problem.

Will the final wager cost him his heart?

The Rogue Elf: Twilight Ascension

Now is your chance to grab the complete six-book story of The Rogue Elf: Twilight Ascension. Over 1200 pages of explosive, progressive epic fantasy action! Only 0.99 for six novels for a limited time!

Darkness descends and it’s up to one young high elf to stand against it… but nothing is as it appears.

War has erupted across the lands and when the elves of Urlas depart for war, Kealin is not allowed to join the other warriors as he expects. His father and mother, and the elven High Council, demand he and his siblings stay behind.

There’s something Kealin is not being told.

When a soothsayer foretells the fall of the elves that have gone to war, it’s up to Kealin and his siblings who refuse to stand by and wait. if they’re to save their parents and the lives of their kin they must act. No matter the risk involved.

This one dark choice will see Kealin on a path like none before. A menace within him awakens. It isn’t elven magic. It is something else, older and darker. When one tragedy follows another, Kealin must grow and become something else entirely. His ascension begins.

Embracing the darkness of an ancient race that resides within as seething darkness just on the edge of his mind, can he control this growing power?

Get ready for the Rogue Elf of Urlas: Twilight Ascension a progressive, epic fantasy adventure!

Scroll up to BUY NOW or Read for Free with Kindle Unlimited!

The complete omnibus includes:

  • Half-Bloods Rising
  • Seer of Lost Sands
  • Shadow of the Orc Star
  • Necromancer’s Curse
  • Wrath of the Half-Elves
  • The Last Dwemhar

My Gun Is My Passport: The Johann Gunther Adventure Collection


West Point graduate, military vet and former Texas deputy Johann Gunther, co-owner of Remedies Detective Agency in Ft. Worth, Texas is asked by his former commander, President Teddy Roosevelt to join a British Army contingent and search for and find a renegade US Army Colonel Vito Latissimo, who is conspiring with local chieftains and the Russian military to control the Khyber Pass.

Join Gunther as he tracks renegade Indians in Montana, then battles foreign spies in a deadly Atlantic crossing. Ride with him as he fights vicious, bloodthirsty tribesmen and political madmen through the Straits of Gibraltar into India and up the Khyber Pass for a battle at a fortress atop the world.

My Gun Is My Passport: The Johann Gunther Adventure Collection includes: Last of the Gunmen, My Gun is My Passport and Rio Grande Black Magic.

City of the Saints


War is coming.

In the mounting tension all eyes turn west, to the Kingdom of Deseret. The Madman Orson Pratt’s perfection of air-ship technology already has every power scrambling to get Deseret’s Brigham Young into the war as its ally, or sidelined permanently. The stakes only rise with the rumors that Pratt’s newest invention is a working, deadly, phlogiston cannon.

Sam Clemens of the United States Army rides into Deseret on his amphibious steam-truck, the Jim Smiley. Racing against him on the land-ferry Liahona comes Captain Richard Burton, explorer, linguist, soldier, and hard-headed man of science. Edgar Allan Poe, a master spy presumed dead for a decade, travels in disguise as an exhibitor f Egyptian antiquities, doing his dirty work for the clandestine confederate leadership with flesh-eating clocksprung scarab beetles and a hypnotic hypocephalus. The rivals fight each other tooth and nail and clash with the Kingdom’s loyal but eccentric defender, the Deseret Marshal Orrin Porter Rockwell.

But why are Deseret’s Danite militiamen hunting Rockwell? And why does the Madman seem to be playing his own game?

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If you’re looking for free science fiction, check out this promotion.

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