One click, multiple books: Boxed set sale event

One click, multiple books: Boxed set sale event

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It’s finally October! Though I think Mother Nature missed the memo that the season is supposed to change and sort of stay cooler with the temperatures and not rise back to summer temperatures like they’re doing...
Page-turner deals: Discounted books await

Page-turner deals: Discounted books await

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Somehow, it’s Wednesday again. Already! The weeks just keep zipping past me. I can’t keep up with how fast this year is flying by and how far behind I am on all of my goals. Good thing I work well under pressure,...
Midweek book bonanza: Get books for less!

Midweek book bonanza: Get books for less!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I made it home from Dragon Con on Sunday and I spent a lot of Monday and today resting and recovering. I forget how much walking and energy these events take from you. I had a lot of energy while I was there but once I sat down...
Dive into budget-friendly books today

Dive into budget-friendly books today

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Another Wednesday is upon us. I don’t know how it’s Wednesday already, but it is! It does not feel like a week has passed since this last newsletter. It was a scorching hot weekend and Monday though, but the...
Midweek book bonanza: Get books for less!

🌟 Unbelievable Book Deals!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I don’t know if I’ve revealed this yet or not, but I am not a morning person. Waking up with aches and pains (and that being what wakes me up) has turned me into even less of a morning person. Most of these...