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Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It is officially May 1. If someone can tell me where the last three months disappeared to, let me know. I know I got a LOT done during those months, but they seemed to disappear faster than normal.  The end of last week was an...
Are you looking for new reads?

Are you looking for new reads?

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! How is it Wednesday already? More importantly, how are we a little more than a week away from the end of February? I seem to have lost a month. Too much going on, trying to get a lot more done and only accomplishing some of it...
💰 Budget-friendly bookworm bliss: This week’s top discounts

Fresh Valentine’s Day Book Deals!

Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you celebrate the day or not (or just take advantage of the half-priced candy tomorrow), I hope you have a good day! I spoiled myself yesterday and got myself dark chocolate-covered...
Countdown to Christmas Book Giveaway: Day 5

Countdown to Christmas Book Giveaway: Day 5

Countdown to Christmas 5-Day Book Giveaway Take a look at today’s FREE book Head to the giveaway HERE   Witch of The Woods: Some witches don’t need a coven… Can a girl who sees animal spirits ever fit in? Especially in a place like the Ozarks. Everyone...