by Grace | Jun 19, 2024 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! I don’t know if I’ve revealed this yet or not, but I am not a morning person. Waking up with aches and pains (and that being what wakes me up) has turned me into even less of a morning person. Most of these...
by Grace | May 8, 2024 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Well, this weekend I need to decide if I’m planting a garden or not and then get the plants, dirt, fertilizer and anything else I might need to do it. It’s been raining so much this year that it might just be a good...
by Grace | May 1, 2024 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! It is officially May 1. If someone can tell me where the last three months disappeared to, let me know. I know I got a LOT done during those months, but they seemed to disappear faster than normal. The end of last week was an...
by Grace | Apr 24, 2024 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Well, I finally kicked myself into gear and started reading every night before going to bed this past week. Admittedly, I have to go back a few pages to remind myself where I was because once I get too sleepy, I tend to forget...
by Grace | Mar 20, 2024 | Deals
Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts! Boy, Jetlag can be a beast. A week later and I’m still struggling with it. Hopefully, I’ll be over it in a few more days. I’ve got a lot of reading, writing, and work to do to be fighting with sleep all day...
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