Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but as of last night, I was still hearing fireworks going off all around us. Another day or two and then they’ll be finished for a while – at least I hope it will be. Yet, mother nature has a bunch of fireworks planned this week. We had a heck of a line of storms come through last night and more storms are predicted for today.

My tomatoes and cucumbers are loving it!

I think I mentioned I added a new cat to the household. He’s starting to fit in with the others, even if the biggest cat is being the biggest baby about him being in the house. I guess he’ll get used to him eventually.

There are a lot of great books available today for your reading enjoyment! And don’t forget about the FREE books at the end of the email for Christmas in July! Check them all out below!​​​​​​​

Enjoy and happy reading!

This Week’s Special Deals

Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set #2

What you thought you knew about Vampires and Werewolves is wrong…so very, very, wrong.

From the LMBPN Vaults for a limited time. Get the first seven books in the Kurtherian Gambit series at a great boxed set price!

** AMAZON Top 100 Bestselling Author **

We Will Build

The World Needs Protecting – Before they can build in space they have to GET into space.

There is a ‘false queen’ attacking vampires in Asia – Bethany Anne sends her Own to look into that.

The moon base needs to be settled, can Team BMW make it happen? Do they have enough people? CAN they get the right people to help?

John’s cousin is now part of the team, will she make it?

It’s Hell to Choose

The World is caught off guard by the sudden advances in technology, some are not happy about that at all.

Bethany Anne’s group needs to move into production, who is she going to hire for that position?

Old enemies take a stronger stance at revenge than before.

Helping others is a tall order, but TQB Rises to the Occasion!

Release the Dogs of War

Stephen walked into the office which Barnabas was using as his judge’s chamber. While the massive amount of data Bethany Anne’s team was throwing at him was more than enough to assuage his curiosity, he had never felt this way in the last one hundred and fifty-two years.

He wanted a vacation.

He pulled the top manila-folder and took a look at the name, “Clarissa Bernier, CEO.” He opened the folder, and it was now in the agreed upon fashion. There was one page with her typical information of name, age, location, and a two paragraph background and the requested punishment. It was a type of joke now between Barnabas and Bethany Anne. No matter the requested punishment, she would strike it out and write “DEATH” and put a happy face on, with fangs.

It let him know that she was not letting up on her desire to make a lot of people pay for Michael’s death.

Sued for Peace

Greed and Fear, two emotions that rule both individuals…and Countries.

Now, China has decided that they will do whatever it takes to acquire TQB technology.

There was a glaring flaw in their plan. When they kill an unborn little baby in a raid, the Queen Bitch is Released.

Now, China has two options…Kill Bethany Anne, or Sue For Peace.

We Have Contact

When you least expect it, expect it.

Bethany Anne has been notified there is a spaceship inside the system…but they can’t find it. Is it Kurtherian, someone else?

The governments have to be told about aliens, which sparks a worldwide effort by Governments to find what TQB has…

My Ride is a Bitch

It’s out there, it’s always been out there – just no one believed it.

Governments, Black Ops, Rich Businessmen…All want alien tech and some are going to great lengths, illegal lengths, to procure it.

Someone went so far as to endanger a young girls family. A young girl who wrote a letter to the Queen Bitch. Now, those that are searching for the technology will have to deal with TQB. 

If there is one thing that will get Bethany Anne’s attention… It’s mistreating the defenseless.

Don’t Cross This Line

It’s been three years Bethany Anne and her team have been building, trying their best to stay off the radar and not fight with those they are trying to save.

The emotions have boiled to the surface.

The is a line drawn in the sand, and some idiots just have to step across it.

NOTE: This book contains cursing. Perhaps humorous cursing, but cursing nevertheless. If this offends you, I don’t suggest reading this book.

Make Yourself

My name is Ben, and I died last year.


I’d hoped I would wake up from my near-death experience as a medium just in time for high school. Turns out it just wrecked my legs.

No medium talent, either. I’m something else. A summoner.

I know next to nothing about my talent besides it involves portals and pledge bonds. It’s okay, they teach it at school. Sounds perfect, right?


Mateo, the other summoner in my class, hates me.

The class clairvoyant thinks destiny has got it out for me, too. Makes sense. As if I don’t already feel like a square peg, getting around on crutches, my portals break stuff and go to the wrong realm.

It’s a good thing I’ve got help from my family, friends, and a celestial called Arie. It takes constant rehab just to keep my busted body working.

But how do I fix my broken talent?


When you wake up with no memory of who you are, you know it’s probably going to be a bad day.

That’s exactly what Bentley thought — but she had no idea how bad.

When she saw the wires connecting her to a strange, glowing sword, and an old guy bleeding out next to her, she started to get an inkling.

And then she met the Three.

Three gods cast out of the Unseen World, condemned to make their way in this universe as best they can. Naturally, after 300 years wandering through space, they’ve devolved into rogues in robes; hustlers with a (strange) moral code.

While desperately trying to keep from being thrown out the airlock, Bentley discovers that the Three have a secret. A secret that involves the sword, the Unseen World, and a big bad that’s hell bent on hunting her down.

With the fate of both worlds hanging in the balance, Bentley has to survive long enough to figure out how to get the Three on board and stop the fabric of spacetime from being torn apart.

But that starts with figuring out the significance of this damn sword!

If you like your sci-fi witty and every now and again a little ‘off the wall’, you’ll love this original series, from the best-selling author of The Ascension Myth.

People Raged: and the Sky Was on Fire

A terrorist plotting an attack on Washington DC, staying one step ahead by hiding in plain sight, always there, but never seen.

In the classic government way, a tiger team is built to look into the intelligence surrounding a terror threat. They didn’t count on Rick Banik to break down walls and get the job done, no matter what. He takes it personal.

Rick Banik – the right patriot for a new age. A race against time. A fight against bureaucracy. A maze of red tape and dots that don’t want to be connected. How many people must die for the plot to be uncovered? How many will die if it isn’t?

People Raged will give you hope that such people exist where you can’t see them, doing things that need to be done to protect us all. Rick Banik is your next best intelligence professional. Read People Raged today.

Fighting Fate

*Revised and re-edited as of May 2023*

He ran from his past. I wanted to escape my future.

After an abusive childhood and a lifetime of danger, I threw myself into a quiet life filled with work and art. All my life, I’ve run from the future and the expectations laid out for me by my parents, friends, boyfriends…even fate.

My future just rang the doorbell, asking for help.

Hadyn has a traumatic past of his own that caught up to him in the form of a curse that threatens him and everyone around him. As we work together, being this drawn to each other is also disturbingly distracting. When our trail of breadcrumbs leads to a deadly confrontation, everything changes. Greater forces are at work in our lives, and all of it leads to the fate I’ve tried to avoid.

How do I reach the future I really want? By fighting fate…or giving into it?

Warning: This is a mythology re-imagined tale whose heroes lead rough lives with tragic pasts. Each book is a somewhat sweet, standalone, romantic adventure within an overarching plot line. There is a trigger warning at the beginning of the book.


“Put down the buffalo dog and step away from the bar!”

That simple sentence set in motion a universe. And not just any universe, no, the Conroyverse!

The Amazing Conroy, a stage hypnotist working third-rate venues on alien worlds, gets talked into being a courier of an Arconi buffalito — an adorable alien creature that can eat anything and farts oxygen. If he can avoid being executed for smuggling, his world will be forever changed.

Angela Colson — a seemingly ordinary teenager — only appears to be Human, but is actually a mutant variant from a race of teleporting aliens who have hidden in plain sight for millennia. They don’t believe she can keep their secret. If she doesn’t convince them otherwise, they’ll resolve the problem by putting her to death!

Melody Wilder just needs to complete her doctorate and life will be perfect. But the downside of a university on a space station orbiting Neptune is that an assortment of aliens keeps showing up, imposing their own agendas on her, with no concern for her dissertation on sentient, non-Human memory.

The Conroyverse is a sampler containing the shorty story that started the entire fictional universe as well as the first novels from each of the three series that share that common, alien-rich setting. It’s a taste — appropriate given the emphasis on food across the books — of what awaits you in the ongoing adventures and humorous romps of each series.

Hypnosis, Teleportation, and Alien Academia, Oh My!

Seer of Lost Sands

The rogue elf will never stop.

It’s been five frustrating years. Kealin had begun to doubt she was still alive. But now, by chance, he has discovered rumor of a powerful seer dwelling far to the south. Someone that could actually help him reach his sister.

To reach this enigmatic entity, Kealin must trace a path of blood down an entire region. Dogged by a dark curse on his own soul, he must run the gauntlet of the Grand Proetectorate’s legions and their anti-elven zealotry. Kealin’s only aid comes from a duo of fugitive of treasure hunters and a mysterious woman of magic unlike any he has ever met.

Darkness is gathering. Will the return of an ancient sleeping evil prevent him from saving the last of his family?

When blood fills the mountains, demons will awake.

You were there when he lost everything, be there when he fights to take it back! Order the epic sequel to Half-Bloods Rising now!

Western Fiction Ten Pack


Rugged ranchers. Vengeful lawmen.

Can brothers torn apart by war make peace and find a lost treasure? Will an orphan-turned-sheriff fulfill his lifelong quest for vengeance? What will it take for deserters, decorated veterans, and an Apache scout to pull off a death-defying rescue mission?

When you live your life by the gun, it’s only a matter of time before the past catches up…

From grizzly dens in the Rockies to no-man’s-lands teeming with outlaws, ten of the top names in Western fiction explore how the West was won. After these trailblazers track down fugitives, battle natural disasters, and ride into danger, who among them will be left standing?

The Western Fiction Ten Pack is an unforgettable collection of full-length, first-in-series page-turners. If you like gritty gunslingers, classic tales of frontier justice, and a rich variety of true-to-life backdrops, then you’ll love this action-packed anthology.

Hit the dusty trail with a western adventure box set by buying your copy of the Western Fiction Ten Pack today!

Epic Adventures: Volume One


Nominee for the Pulitzer and winner of the Spur Award, Stone Song is the extraordinarily told story of the Lakota Sioux mystic warrior, Crazy Horse. Of all the iconic figures of Native American history, Crazy Horse remains the most enigmatic. To this day he strides across American history as a man who lived—and died—on his own terms.

From a three-time Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers Writer of the Year, RavenShadow is the tale of lost faith and crowning redemption follows one American Indian’s spirit journey to heal his past and claim his future.

Jedediah Smith: The Story of a Wayfaring Heart: Into the uncharted West came the mountain men. They were French Canadians, Blacks, and Whites who left society and conventions behind. They all wanted to see a vast, unknown landscape. An earth that roiled and bubbled and erupted even when the skies were snow-filled. Powerful rivers that sculpted the land. An ocean that was wild with promise and mystery. The most complicated, and enigmatic, of these mountain men is Jedediah Smith.

Embark on a soul-stirring odyssey through the untamed American West and experience deeply spiritual tales that are sure to leave a lasting and western-packed mark on your heart. Epic Adventures: Volume Oneincludes Stone Song, RavenShadow, and Jedediah Smith: The Story of a Wayfaring Heart.

“Blevins’ prose is razor sharp, his characters are clearly defined, and his heart, like so many, is at Wounded Knee.”

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