Happy Wednesday, fellow reading addicts!

By the time you all get this email, I’ll be on a plane over the Atlantic Ocean, well on my way to London. In fact, I decided to be smart and schedule this email way ahead of time on Monday night before I finished packing for my trip. I know how I am. I like to sleep in when I can, and I won’t be able to do that tomorrow morning, which means my brain won’t be engaged to write emails at 9 a.m. that sound intelligent.

I’ll do other work in the morning before driving an hour away to the airport. Something like graphics or social media that doesn’t require a lot of brain power to get done.

Saturday I’ll get to mark an item off my bucket list by seeing one of Shakespeare’s plays at the Globe Theater. Tickets are booked, drink and popcorn ordered and paid for and I’m looking forward to a night with the Bard. This doubles as research for me because one of the characters in one of my books attends a play in the 1800s. Not quite the same as modern-day, but at least I can get a little bit of an idea.

Now, for a book-related question. What season do you find you read more books during? Summer? Winter? Or maybe it doesn’t matter, you read the same amount no matter what season it is? Let me know!

We have some great books to add to your reading list. Check them out below!

Enjoy and happy reading!

This Week’s Special Deals

Unplanned Princess Complete Series Boxed Set

What is the difference between ignorance and stupidity?

Ignorance can be solved if you live long enough.

Zaena has been sent as an Elven emissary to learn and build a relationship with humanity.

There are a few problems with that: her attitude, naivete, and ignorance.

Pick up your copy of this 9 book boxed set to find out how one clueless Princess first came to the shores of America. and if she can create a bridge to save her people.

Zaena’s only two hundred and fifty years old, so time should be on her side, right?

Except she gets involved in a brutal gang war in the first month of landing on the shores of the West Coast of the United States.

San Francisco, to be exact.

Zaena quickly learns that her knowledge of humanity is closer to the twentieth than the present-day twenty-first century.

So much for her teachers’ study of humanity’s television shows.

She’s got attitude, magic, and a sacred armor pendant. What she doesn’t have is a clue.

She will survive her ignorance or die trying to build a bridge and save her people.

Included in this complete boxed set:

  1. Sword Diplomacy
  2. Gangland Politics
  3. Explosive Negotiations
  4. Nefarious Intentions
  5. Unidentified Assailants
  6. Unexpected Ultimatum
  7. An Unclear Future
  8. Popular Disinformation
  9. Unbearable Choices

Enemy on Board

The possibility of a war being started weighs heavy on Karma as she uncovers more intel on a plot that she’s inadvertently been a part of.

Still stranded light years from League space, with no way of contacting the authorities to warn them, she’s left holding the secret.

Fuel and chart data are the only thing standing between the crew and home, yet both those things are guarded by a long-forgotten race, the old arch enemy of the humans.

Time and chance aren’t on her side.

It’s going to take some poker-level bluffing to get them back on the road, and she still has to figure out who she can trust.


“If you like Star Trek and devastatingly handsome androids, you’ll love this series!”

Similar to: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager and Firefly.

Phule’s Company

After being court-martialed by the Space Legion for ordering the strafing of a treaty-signing ceremony, multimillionaire Willard Phule receives his punishment: He must command the misfit Omega Company on Haskin’s Planet, a mining settlement on the edge of settled space. At his duty station, he leverages his personal money and a knack for managing people to get the company to come together as a unit.

Phule convinces the governor to leave the contract for an honorary duty up for competition between the Space Legionnaires and the Regular Army. The Army sends some of their most elite troops to take part in the competition, but Phule’s company operates with their own unique tactics….


Where did the Zenomorphs come from?

Tigers, wolves, gorillas, and bears. Four planets at each other’s throats. But they have too much in common for it to be a fluke. Just mentioning the possibility that they descended from the same place gets one labeled as a Heretic.

When Sankar comes into possession of a religious text that hints at where they came from, he seizes the opportunity and makes it his mission to find the Truth.

But he needs help from all the races. With a stolen warship and a ragtag band, Sankar sets out to answer the question that is illegal to ask.

Zenophobia. Where fear of the other races started a religion and perpetuated a war.

It’s time for the worlds to embrace the future by learning their past. But the governments aren’t keen on upsetting the status quo and do everything in their power to stop Sankar and his team.

Island of Dr. Moreau meets Indiana Jones, in space, with cutting edge technology…

From two award winning science fiction authors, an archaeological space adventure that you’ll want to read today.

Authors’ note: We went with Zenophobia with a “z” vice xenophobia because the version with the “x” was too rooted in bad stuff that happens on Earth. This is a story set in space.

Mortality Bites – The COMPLETE Boxed Set

Four years ago, the gods left. All of them. Their last message to humanity was, “Thank you for believing in us, but it is not enough. We’re leaving. Good luck.”

Mythical creatures are real, and the world is finding out what life without the gods’ protection looks like.

Discovering that your neighbor was once an evil, blood-sucking fiend tends to bring property values down…

After three hundred years of being a vampire, Katrina Darling has forgotten what it means to be human. One thing she does remember is that friends matter.

Kat’s only real friend has been ritually sacrificed by a serial killer. Kat is sure more death will follow.

She should know. She used to be the monster plunging the blade in.

Now she’s determined to find whoever—or whatever—killed her friend before more victims surface.

But just as the hunt begins, a mysterious young man discovers exactly what she was.

Kat has a decision to make: Run and keep her monstrous past hidden, or avenge her friend and save the city from a merciless serial killer?

Flight Of The Hawk: The River


1812 Missouri Fur Trade – An intimate of the Burr conspiracy, the condemned and hounded John Tylor signs on as boatman with Manuel Lisa’s expedition. But the river is now contested as the British, Spanish, and other fur companies prepare to break Lisa’s hold. As the expedition battles its way up the violent river, Fenway McKeever lurks in Tylor’s shadow. Not only is the half-mad McKeever paid to kill Tylor, but he’s convinced himself that by destroying Lisa’s expedition, he can sell his services to the highest bidder.

“No one reads a Gear novel without being transformed in beautiful ways.” – Richard S. Wheeler



In The City, government is God—in The Sector, anarchy rules.

The Membrane stands between those worlds. Some cross it to The Sector, seeking the forbidden. Some cross it to The City, seeking a chance to see the sky. Some try to stay. Most die trying.

In a world without paper, names are earned. Sector-born Carbon once risked everything for a chance to live in The City, a world with fresh paper and retinal enhancements that required a price beyond the ability of any Sector-born to earn alone. Captured, he entered prison.

Now, released to find a killer whose pattern threatens the government itself, Carbon’s real search is for the money stashed by his former gang.

But only one woman knows that location, and she isn’t willing to trade information unless she gets something in return—her abducted child. The child is somewhere in the Pure Zone, a wild place where sorcery works but firearms do not.

Trapped between hostile worlds, Carbon will enter the Pure Zone—hyper-focused and fatal to anyone blocking his path.

“This is a fantastic departure for Vachss. Lean as a prehistoric corpse and full of magic without an overabundance of gee-gaws and wizard hats. One of his most original and among his best. And that’s saying something.” — Joe R. Lansdale, Edgar award-winning author of the Hap & Leonard Series

Carbon is a stupendous piece of work, a genre-busting masterpiece that is a whole new direction in fiction. As astonishing as it is compulsively readable and as always with Andrew Vachss, the compassion and empathy for the vulnerable and victimized is heart-wrenching. May be the finest work yet from the master of the art.” — Ken Bruen, award winning author of the Jack Taylor Series.

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